Monday, October 13, 2008

Division S Humorous and Evaluation Speech Contest 2008

Finally Division S Speech Contest successfully held yesterday.
Congratulation to Champions who will be representing Division S to District 51 Contest at Bali, Indonesia by November.

Humorous Contest Winners:
1st Place: May Cheah Joon Bee
2nd Place: Andrew Oon Poh Joo
3rd Place: Muthukumaran Kodiappen

Evaluation Contest Winners:
1st Place: Lilian Teh
2nd Place: Carmen Loo
3rd Place: Phang Wai Kheong

Thank you to all organizing committees and toastmasters who involved and helped direct or indirect contributed to success of this event. Thank you for all your support to us!

Organizing Team for Division S Humorous &Evaluation Speech Contest 2008:
Organizing Chair: Johnson Tang, CC, CL
Chief Judge: Tan Chia Lih, DTM
Emcee: Koay Ee San, CC
Contest Chair (Humorous): Thiang Bee Nee, ACB,ALB
Contest Chair (Evaluation): Cheah Ee Liang, CC,CL
Ticket Marketing Manager: Johnson Tang, CC, CL
Publicity Manager: Pauline Sia, ACS
F&B Manager: Jessica Ang
F&B Officer 1: Mien Tan
F&B Officer 2: Regina Yee
F&B Officer 3: SH Neoh, CC
Registration Officer: (Chief) SP Kay, CC
Registration Officer 1: Ong Sui Ling
Registration Officer 2: Huan Hui Yi
Contest SAA: (Chief) Ong Wai Yeong, CTM, CL
Contest SAA1: Lai York Keong
Contest SAA2: Alex Li
Contest SAA3: Chua Hooi Boon
Contest SAA4: Pauline Sia, ACS
Time Keeper1: Yeoh Hui Kiang
Time Keeper2: Wong Chee Leong
Tally Counter1: Nazir
Tally Counter2: Wan Amiruddin
Prize Manager: Eleanor Ooi, CC, CL
Audio Manager: SH Neoh, CC
Sound Effect Manager: Lim Khee Seong, CC, CL
Program Sheet Design: Jessica Ang
Certificate Manager: Joanne Tan, ACB, CL
Photographer1: Lim Pei Gee
Photographer2: Chong Shih Jun, CL
Video Manager: Ewe Thean Hock

More photos can view from our voluntarily photographer from Equator Toastmasters Club.